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Why mint with Verisart?

Discover how Verisart helps you reach more collectors

Updated this week

Not all NFTs are created equal! We understand how much creators value their creations so we provide industry-leading certified NFTs to protect all the care you put into your work.

Certified NFTs protect your creations and build trust with collectors.

Take creative control

  • Choose your blockchain, marketplace & smart contract. Select Ethereum or Base (pay-as-you-go) or Polygon (free on plan) and list on OpenSea.

  • Stand out from the crowd with our easy, no-code solution for custom contracts.

  • Our smart contracts (ERC-721) use best practices for asset storage (IPFS) and metadata (frozen).

Earn ongoing royalties

  • Earn royalties when your work is re-sold on OpenSea, Rarible and any EIP-2981 compatible marketplace.

Reach more collectors

  • Easily list on multiple marketplaces at the same time.

  • Tell the story of your work with collector rewards and additional content.

Protect your work

  • Become a verified creator and start minting certified NFTs.

How we compare

Here's a comparison of Verisart versus popular NFT marketplaces.

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