Signatures are displayed on your Certificates of Authenticity. Make sure you add a clean, legible signature before you start certifying works.
Your signature will appear on all your Certificates and Records. You can choose to add a clean text, an artist signature, or your own personal signature based on your preference.
How to add your signature
Access your account
Navigate to your Settings
Log into your account
Click 'Settings'
Add a creator
Navigate to 'Account'
Click 'Add creator'
Enter all the necessary information about yourself: fill in your creator information and verify your identity
Choose your method
Draw your signature: Scan the QR code with your phone to open the signature input draw your signature directly in the provided field.
Upload a file: If you have a pre-existing digital signature, you can upload the file.
Review and confirm
Clear: If you're not satisfied with your signature, click 'clear' to redo it.
Confirm: Once you are happy with your signature, click 'upload'. A success message will appear, prompting you to return to the Verisart website to continue.
View and modify
Your signature will appear on all Certificates of Authenticity. If you need to update your signature, you can do so at any time by rescanning the QR code or uploading a new file.
Hit 'save' when you're happy with it
How to change your signature
You can update your signature at any time, and all changes will be recorded in your certificate history.
Access Signature Settings: Go to your 'Settings' panel, under 'Account', and click 'Update Signature' in your Creator Details.
Updating methods:
Draw Your Signature: Scan the QR code to open the signature input and draw your signature directly in the provided field.
Upload a File: Upload a new pre-existing digital signature if desired.
Save your new signature:
Once you've added your new signature, hit 'Save Signature' if you are satisfied.
The update will be reflected in your certificates and your Creator Details.
Tips on adding your signature
Your signature image should be:
A .png or .jpg file
Black on a white or transparent background
High contrast
Cropped close to the signature
Recommended size: 50 x 300px
You can also create a digital signature using an app or website and export the image file.