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How to certify editions on WooCommerce

Help with certifying editions and Artist Proofs () using the Verisart WooCommerce App

Updated over a week ago

Available on Growth and Pro plans only

This article relates to certifying editions and Artist Proofs (APs) using the Verisart WooCommerce App. See also 'Configuring NFTs in WooCommerce' for help with NFT editions and 'How to Certify Editions on'.

Certify editions

  • In the ‘Certificates’ tab in your Verisart WooCommerce App, select the item you wish to certify and click ‘Edit’.

  • Under ‘Edition’, click 'Yes' in 'Is this work an edition'

  • You will see the following options available:

Multiple editions

Multiple editions on Shopify can be certified as:

  • Numbered edition with fixed volume

  • Unnumbered edition with fixed volume

  • Numbered edition with open edition

  • Unnumbered edition with open edition

Please ensure the quantity of the available product is not greater than the total edition volume set or you may run the risk of works sold that are not certified.

Numbered multiple editions with fixed volume

  • For numbered multiple editions, choose ‘Multiple (auto-numbered)’ and specify both the edition volume and at which point numbering should start.

  • Displays 'Edition 1/2' and continues in sequence until the edition volume is reached.

Unnumbered multiple editions with fixed volume

  • For unnumbered multiple editions, choose ‘Multiple (unnumbered)’ and specify the edition volume

  • Displays 'Edition of 2'

Numbered editions with open edition

  • For numbered open editions, choose ‘Multiple (auto-numbered)’ and specify the edition number, but leave the edition volume blank

  • Displays '1 / Open Edition' and continues in sequence for all works sold

Time limited editions and changing open editions to fixed volume

  • For time-limited editions, we recommend you create an Open edition by leaving the edition volume blank and then set the final edition volume on

  • To change any open editions to a fixed volume, you must access this link from the home page of the Verisart Shopify App in your store.

Unnumbered edition with open edition

  • For unnumbered open editions, choose ‘Multiple (unnumbered)’ and leave the edition volume blank

  • Displays 'Edition'

Single Editions

Single editions can be certified as:

  • Numbered edition with fixed volume

  • Unnumbered edition with fixed volume

  • Numbered edition with open edition

  • Unnumbered edition with open edition

Numbered single edition

  • For a numbered single edition, specify edition numbers and edition volume.

  • Displays '1/10'

Unnumbered single edition

  • For an unnumbered single edition, specify edition volume and edition number as '-1'

  • Displays 'Edition of 10'

Numbered single edition with open edition

  • For a numbered single edition with open edition, specify edition number and leave edition volume blank

  • Displays 'Edition 1 / Open Edition'

Unnumbered single edition with open edition

  • For an unnumbered single edition with open edition, specify edition number as '-1' and leave edition volume blank

  • Displays 'Open Edition'.

Artist Proofs

Artist Proofs can be certified as:

  • Unnumbered multiple AP

  • Single numbered AP

  • Single AP with fixed edition volume

  • Single AP with fixed edition and AP volume

  • Single AP with fixed AP volume

Unnumbered AP

  • For an unnumbered AP, specify AP volume and enter '-1' as AP number

  • Displays 'AP of 10'

Single numbered AP

  • For a single numbered AP, specify AP number and leave edition volume and AP volume blank

  • Displays 'AP 1'

Single AP with fixed edition volume

  • For a single numbered AP with fixed edition volume, specify AP number, edition volume and leave AP volume blank

  • Displays 'AP 1, Edition of 10'

Single AP with fixed edition and AP volume

  • For a single numbered AP with fixed edition and AP volume, specify AP number, edition volume and AP volume

  • Displays 'AP 1 of 10, Edition of 10'

Single AP with fixed AP volume and no edition volume

  • For a single numbered AP with fixed AP volume and no edition volume, specify AP number, AP volume and leave the edition volume blank

  • Displays 'AP 1/10'

📣 Please note: You can change Open Editions to fixed edition volume via the link from the Verisart WooCommerce app BUT this does not update any on-chain metadata and will be visible solely at the certificate level.

You cannot change fixed edition volume for NFTs or certificates created via WooCommerce.

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