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How to certify editions on

Help certifying editions, artist proofs (APs) and NFT drops on

Updated over a week ago

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This article explains how to certify editions and Artist Proofs, on

View separate article on 'How to certify editions on Shopify'.

Verisart offers a comprehensive Editions Module, enabling creators to certify numbered or unnumbered editions and Artist Proofs (APs). The Edition panel forms part of the ‘Create certificate’ or 'Mint NFT' options from your dashboard.

Both single and multiple editions can be either numbered or unnumbered.

Edition type

Edition number

Edition volume


Multiple edition (numbered in sequence)




Multiple edition (numbered out of sequence)





Multiple edition (unnumbered)



Edition of 10

Multiple edition (unnumbered with limited certificates from total volume)



Edition of 10
(But only 5 certificates would be created)

Multiple edition (numbered with open edition)


1 / Open Edition

2 / Open Edition

Single edition (numbered)




Single edition (unnumbered)



Edition of 10

Single edition (numbered with open edition)


Edition 1 / Open Edition

Single edition (unnumbered with open edition)


Open Edition

When configuring your editions on, you get a preview of how the information will appear on your certificate (see below)

Multiple editions

Multiple editions can be certified as:

  • Numbered edition with fixed edition volume

  • Unnumbered edition with fixed edition volume

  • Numbered edition with open edition

  • Unnumbered edition with open edition

Numbered multiple editions

  • For two numbered multiple editions, specify both edition numbers and volume either by indicating the specific edition numbers separated by commas, e.g. 7, 12, 24 or by the range of editions, e.g. 1-10

  • Generates two certificates: '1/10' and '2/10'

Unnumbered multiple editions

All unnumbered editions, need to have the 'Edition number' inputted. To ensure the edition remains unnumbered, please ensure you use a negative symbol in front of your digit.

  • For unnumbered multiple editions, specify edition volume and edition number as '-10'. For example, to create certificates for 10 unnumbered editions, enter the Edition number as '-10' and the edition volume as 10.

  • Generates 10 certificates as an 'Edition of 10'

Unnumbered multiple editions (with limited certificates from total volume)

  • To generate a different number of certificates than the edition volume, enter the total edition volume, e.g. '200' and the desired amount of certificates as a negative in the edition number, e.g. '-80'. This indicates you began with 200 editions but now only have 80 unnumbered ones available.

  • Generates 80 certificates as 'Edition of 200'

Unnumbered editions with an open edition

  • For unnumbered editions with an open edition, specify the amount of certificates required by entering a negative in the edition number, e.g. '-1'

  • Generates one certificate as 'Open Edition'

Numbered editions with an open edition

  • For numbered editions with an open edition, specify edition numbers and leave the edition volume blank

  • Generates two certificates as '1 / Open Edition' and '2 / Open Edition'

Single Edition

Selecting 'Single edition' means you will create one certificate for a specific edition. Single editions can be certified as:

  • Numbered edition with fixed edition volume

  • Unnumbered edition with fixed edition volume

  • Numbered edition with open edition

  • Unnumbered edition with open edition

Numbered single edition

  • For a numbered single edition, specify edition numbers and edition volume

  • Displays '1/10'

Unnumbered single edition

  • For an unnumbered single edition, specify edition volume and edition number as '-1'

  • Displays 'Edition of 10'

Numbered single edition with open edition

  • For a numbered single edition with open edition, specify edition number and leave edition volume blank

  • Displays 'Edition 1 / Open Edition'

Unnumbered single edition with open edition

  • For an unnumbered single edition with open edition, specify edition number as '-1' and leave edition volume blank

  • Displays 'Open Edition'

Artist Proofs (APs)

Artist Proofs (APs) can be certified as numbered or unnumbered single or multiple editions. Artist Proofs can be certified as:

  • Unnumbered multiple AP

  • Single numbered AP

  • Single numbered AP with fixed edition volume

  • Single numbered AP with fixed edition and AP volume

  • Single unnumbered AP with fixed AP volume and no edition volume

AP type

AP number

Edition volume

AP volume

Certificate generated

Multiple AP




AP of 10

Single AP (numbered)


AP 1

Single AP (numbered with edition volume)



AP 1, Edition of 10

Single AP (numbered with edition and AP volume)




AP 1 of 10, Edition of 10

Single AP (unnumbered with edition and AP volume)



AP 1/10

Multiple AP (unnumbered)

  • For an unnumbered AP, specify AP volume and enter '-10' as the AP number

  • Displays 'AP of 10'

Single numbered AP

  • For a single numbered AP, specify AP number and leave edition volume and AP volume blank

  • Displays 'AP 1'

Single numbered AP with fixed edition volume

  • For a single numbered AP with fixed edition volume, specify AP number, edition volume and leave AP volume blank

  • Displays 'AP 1, Edition of 10'

Single numbered AP with fixed edition and AP volume

  • For a single numbered AP with fixed edition and AP volume, specify AP number, edition volume and AP volume

  • Displays 'AP 1 of 10, Edition of 10'

Single unnumbered AP with fixed AP volume and no edition volume

  • For a single numbered AP with fixed AP volume and no edition volume, specify AP number, AP volume and leave the edition volume blank

  • Displays 'AP 1/10'

NFT Drops

  • NFTs are automatically numbered in sequence

  • Edition number and volume appear in the NFT metadata

See 'Configuring NFTs in Shopify' for more information

You can change Open Editions to fixed edition volume at any time BUT this does not update any on-chain metadata and will be visible solely at the certificate level.

You cannot change fixed edition volume for NFTs, but you can change fixed edition volume for certificates as long as no certificates have been transferred.

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