You've created and collected certificates; now it's time to showcase them! Verisart Collections offers a dedicated space for both creators and collectors to organize, personalize, and display their art. Build your portfolio, share your passion, and connect with your community through collections.
Create a Collection
Log into your Verisart account and navigate to your Dashboard.
Click on 'Create a collection' in the top header.
You will be directed to a 'Create Collection' page. Here, you can input the cover image, title, description, and choose artworks for your collection.
You can also include a link to a website.
Choose between a public or private collection.
To add certificates, click 'Add works'.
A pop-up will display your certificates.
Click on the ones you wish to add.
To deselect a certificate, click on the artwork again.
The number of selected artworks is shown on the button at the bottom of the pop-up.
After selecting your artworks, click ‘Add’.
You'll return to the collection's edit page, where you can review the title, description, and selected works.
To remove an artwork in edit mode, click the ‘Remove’
To add more artworks, click ‘Add works’ again.
Once satisfied, click ‘Create’ at the bottom right. You can edit and save your collection again at any time.
Access your collection under the ‘Collections’ tab.
Edit a Collection
Navigate to the 'Collections' tab.
Click the pencil icon on the collection you wish to edit.
Add an Artwork to an existing Collection
Add artworks to a collection either by editing the collection or directly from your certificate dashboard.
Visit your certificate dashboard.
Click on your certificate
Under three vertical dots '...' then select ‘Add to Collection’.
This will bring you back to your collections page
Select the collection you want to add your certificate to and click 'Edit Collection'
Click 'Add works'
Hit 'Save' when you're happy with your changes
Share Your Collection
Go to the ‘Collections’ tab.
Select the collection you wish to share to access its page.
Click 'Share'
Choose where you want to share you collection, a preview will display below