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Registered Record, COA or COA+

Learn about certificate statuses and which certificate type is right for you

Updated over a week ago

Verisart offers several certificate statuses:

  • Certificate of Authenticity +

  • Certificates of Authenticity

  • Registered Records Plus

  • Registered Record

You'll see the status of your certificate reflected in the badge appearing on your certificate and the confidence panel. Find out more

Certificate of Authenticity +

Who is it for?

  • Creators certifying their own physical works

  • Galleries and organizations certifying on behalf of creators with their authorization

Certificate of Authenticity

  • A verified issuer

  • An identified creator who has authorized the issuer

In situations where the creator is certifying their own work, the issuer and creator are the same.

Who is it for?

  • Creators certifying their own works

  • Galleries and organizations certifying on behalf of creators with their authorization

Registered record +

  • A verified issuer

Who is it for?

This describes situations where a business is issuing certificates under a business name or where the creator is deceased and cannot authorize the issuer.

Registered Record

  • A record created by an unverified issuer

  • Not endorsed by the creator

Who is it for?

  • A collector creating a record of a work they own

Registered Records do not confer any authenticity or ownership, they act as a starting point for collecting data on the blockchain.

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